The presentation on "Global Warming and the unstoppable two-meter rise of water" didn't scare me at all, since it's an action that will take hundreds of years to happen and not like suddenly.
First of all, who told us that the sea level rising is not a natural action that has been happenning since the beginning of Earth??? But, due to the Science and Technology studies and researches of this century, they consider this subject as a new discovery and a new problem facing human kind.
Furthermore, as the presentators were saying, there is nothing to do to stop this rising, so, it's a point to explain my previous paragraph.
In fact, the existing bad habits of humankind are making this natural action worst, because it'll increase the rising of water from two meters to more meters, and even will faster it.
So, to help maintaining the minimum or the natural rising, we should changed our habits such as:
- reducing of water consumption..................
- being Green and separating our garbage into: cans, cartons, plastic, papers,.......
- reducing of fuel consumption such as getting smaller cars if we don't really need the big cars, using the public transportation (bus, LRT,....) for school and work instead of driving our own cars.
- changing the use of energy of our houses and especially the manufactures from fuel to wind energy.....
Personnally, when I arrived to Canada with my family, I changed my habits to Green and teached my children about the importance of having new habits, and we got immediately used to this change because I heard about the Green idea from my country but there were no applications, neither from the people nor from the government.
Finally, the Big Problem still the big oil and manufacturing companies that the governments all over the world should search with them for an appropriate solution.
However, one person can't change anything, one community can't also make changes, one country can't make big changes, but all the Governments of all the Countries can absolutely make "The Difference".
Well, this is just a realization for that I would like to share. Many times
we are so competitive and we always want to be number 1. This is applicable
15 years ago